Iridex® LIO Plus
The Iridex LIO Plus is a an easy to use single-mirror laser indirect ophthalmoscope that is ergonomic and provides excellent peripheral visualization, treatment flexibility, consistency, and reliability. For many years, I has been considered the gold standard of LIOs and was used by many retina specialists and teaching institutions around the world.
- The IRIDEX LIO Plus facilitates observation and photocoagulation of peripheral retinal pathologies including diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity
- Provides excellent peripheral visualization and consistent laser uptake as far as the ora serrata
- It is ergonomic, intuitive, and ideal to use in patients who are best examined and treated in a supine position
- Has a lightweight headset with size adjustments to optimize fit and comfort
- Permits independent positioning of the laser spot within the illuminated field, or simultaneous adjustment of both the laser spot and illuminated field within the user’s visual field
- The long laser depth of focus tolerates a wide range of working distances
- The 810 nm Large Spot model can be used with the OcuLight SLx Laser to deliver transpupillary thermotherapy for the treatment of intraocular tumors.1,2
- The single-wavelength models are compatible with 532 nm, 577 nm, and 810 nm Iridex lasers
- A dual-wavelength model can be used with both 532 nm and 810 nm Iridex lasers for added utility
- The halogen illumination source offers consistent illumination and great color rendering
- Its integrated laser filters provide protection for the physician during laser use
- Includes a travel case for safe storage and ease of transportation to satellite offices
1 Hasanreisoglu M, Saktanasate J, Schwendeman R, Shields JA, Shields CL. Indocyanine green-enhanced transpupillary thermotherapy for retinoblastoma: Analysis of 42 tumors J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus, 2015;52(6):348-54.
2 Shields CL, Santos MC, Diniz W, Gunduz K, Mercado G, Cater JR, Shields JA. Thermotherapy for retinoblastoma Arch Ophthalmol, 1999;117(7):885-93.
Overview of the TruFocus LIO Premiere® Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope
“Treating comfortably, with minimal ergonomic burden, is an important way to help ensure consistency of results across treatments. The LIO Plus, with its intuitive design and practical features, plays a large role in my laser treatment protocol — It is proving to be effective for the most challenging peripheral cases, and my colleagues and I have been pleased with the results.”
Shawn Kavoussi, MD
Texas Retina Center, Houston, United States
“I find the LIO Premiere to be very useful for retinoblastoma treatment and allows easy and precise laser delivery. The visualization and LED illumination are excellent, and the wireless battery makes it very convenient by allowing me to move freely as I perform the treatments. My experience with the LIO Premiere has been very positive.”
Laurence Desjardins, MD
Honorary President of Retinostop and President of AMCC
Institut Curie, Paris, France
Ordering Information
To request a quote or a demo, speak with your local sales representative or email us at