| | Glaucoma Updates | The Pulse Newsletter • November 2017 | | | AAO Specials. Only From November 11-14. We are celebrating 20 years of MicroPulse® Technology at AAO 2017 in New Orleans with special prices from Saturday, November 11 - Tuesday, November 14. These prices are only available during AAO. If you are not attending, contact us or contact your IRIDEX sales rep to take advantage of this limited promotion. Don't miss it! | Contact Us | |  IRIDEX AAO 2017 Glaucoma Presentations Join us at AAO 2017 in New Orleans this weekend. From Saturday - Monday, six glaucoma experts (Drs. Robert Noecker, David D. Gossage, Sandra Fernando Sieminski, Ahad Mahootchi, Rolando Toyos, and Shan Lin) will share at booth 2545 how they treat glaucoma with laser - a great alternative to glaucoma medications and invasive surgery. - MicroPulse P3 Therapy: A Non-Incisional, Easy and Safe Option to Reduce Pressure in Patients with Mild to Moderate Glaucoma
Rolando Toyos, MD, Toyos Clinic, Nashville, TN USA Saturday, November 11, 2017 • 11:30 AM - Shining A New Light on Glaucoma Treatment with Subconjunctival Lidocaine-Assisted MicroPulse (LAMP) Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation
David D. Gossage, DO, FAOCO, FAAO, Gossage Eye Institute, Hillsdale, MI USA Saturday, November 11, 2017 • 1:00 PM - Is MicroPulse P3 a Treatment for Everyone?
Sandra Fernando Sieminski, MD, University at Buffalo, Ross Eye Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA Saturday, November 11, 2017 • 2:30 PM - Redefining Glaucoma Laser Treatment with the MicroPulse P3
Robert J. Noecker, MD, MBA, Ophthalmic Consultants of Connecticut, Fairfield, CT USA Saturday, November 11, 2017 • 4:00 PM - MicroPulse P3 Therapy: A Non-Incisional, Easy and Safe Option to Reduce Pressure in Patients with Mild to Moderate Glaucoma
Rolando Toyos, MD, Toyos Clinic, Nashville, TN USA Sunday, November 12, 2017 • 10:00 AM - Less Pressure, Less Drops 92% of the Time. MicroPulse Cyclo G6: A Profitable Outflow Procedure to Ensure Success!
Ahad Mahootchi, MD, The Eye Clinic of Florida, Zephyrhills, FL USA Sunday, November 12, 2017 • 4:00 PM - MicroPulse with the Cyclo G6 Laser: Expanding Treatment Opportunities in All Stages of Glaucoma
Shan Lin, MD, UCSF, San Francisco, CA USA Monday, November 13, 2017 • 11:30 AM In addition to these six glaucoma talks, we will have eight presentations about treating retinal diseases with laser and MicroPulse technology. Presenters include Drs. Walid Mangal, David D. Gossage, Lizette Mowatt, Jonathan Feistmann, Allen C Ho, Robert L Avery, Elias Reichel, Lawrence S Morse, Ernesto Alemañy-Rubio, Marco Zarbin, and Ahad Mahootchi. See you at booth 2545! | Learn more | |  IRIDEX Trade-in Program For a limited time, and in the United States only, we are offering an opportunity to trade-in OcuLight SLx, OcuLight SL, and IQ 810 Lasers for the Cyclo G6 Laser. This trade-in program significantly reduces, if not completely eliminates, the net-expense of transitioning to the Cyclo G6 Laser. Some benefits include:  To learn more about the trade-in program or options without trade-in, please speak with your local IRIDEX representative or contact us at 1.888.725.8115 or info@iridex.com. | Learn More | | ESCRS Symposium Video Now Available A video of the symposium we had recently at ESCRS in Portugal is now available. We invite you to watch it to learn how MicroPulse® Technology is revolutionizing cyclophotocoagulation, and to learn how Drs. Ziad Khoueir (Lebanon), Robert Noecker (USA), and Marc Toteberg-Harms (Switzerland) are using MicroPulse and IRIDEX lasers to treat glaucoma. | Watch Video | | Article: Applying micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for early-stage glaucoma In the November issue of Ophthalmology Times, Dr. Robert J. Noecker wrote an article titled Applying micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for early-stage glaucoma about his experience applying MicroPulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC) on patients with glaucoma. "MicroPulse TSCPC offers a kinder, gentler mechanism of action. It is an effective tool for improving our standard of care to glaucoma patients..." | Read More | | Cyclo G6™ Glaucoma Laser Is Now Available in Russia The Cyclo G6 Glaucoma Laser System is now available in Russia! The official launch took place at the Contemporary Laser Technologies Conference in Chelyabinsk a few days ago in collaboration with our distributor, Tradomed Invest. People suffering from glaucoma in Russia now have an alternative to invasive surgery and expensive medications. | Learn More | | IRIDEX and MicroPulse® Technology IRIDEX is a worldwide provider of laser-based medical systems, delivery devices, and consumable instrumentation for the treatment of glaucoma and retinal diseases. Our products are sold in the United States and Germany through a direct sales force and in over 100 countries through a network of 70 independent distributors. MicroPulse® Laser Technology is a tissue-sparing solution for the treatment of glaucoma and retinal diseases. With MicroPulse therapy, a continuous-wave laser beam is chopped into a train of tiny, repetitive, low energy pulses separated by a brief rest period, which allows the tissue to cool between laser pulses. | Learn More | | | The Pulse • Events • Seminars • Webinars • Contact Us 888.725.8115 • info@iridex.com | © 2017 IRIDEX. All rights reserved. IRIDEX, the IRIDEX LOGO, IQ 577, IQ 532, Cyclo G6, TxCell, OcuLight, MicroPulse, and the MicroPulse logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of IRIDEX. | |