Diabetic Macular Edema
Learn How To Treat Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) with Fovea-friendly™ MicroPulse® Laser Therapy

Schedule a hands-on demo Schedule a no-obligation demo to see for yourself how MicroPulse Technology and IRIDEX’s Family of Products can take YOUR practice to the next level.
IQ 577® laser
- Repeatable retinal therapeutic capabilities: macular and foveal
- Success with refractory and sub-clinical edema
TxCell® Scanning Laser Delivery System
High Versatility for Higher Volume
- Multi-spot pattern scanning for efficient retinal photocoagulation
- Standard coagulation with optimized wavelengths: IQ 532® or true-yellow IQ 577® lasers
- Confluent laser patterns for tissue-sparing1 MicroPulse® protocols*
- Compatible with IRIDEX, Haag-Streit and Zeiss style slit lamps
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Fovea-Friendly™ MicroPulse® Laser Therapy
1. Bhagat N, Zarbin M, Mansour S, Chong V, and Cardillo JA. Fovea-friendly MicroPulse Laser. Supplement to Retina Today, May/June 2012
MicroPulse® Laser Therapy in the Management of DME
Allen C. Ho, MD; Robert L. Avery, MD; Lawrence S. Morse, MD, PhD; Elias Reichel, MD
DME: The Role of MicroPulse® Laser Therapy in the Anti-VEGF Era
Drs. Elias Reichel and Adam Roders
Why I Made the Jump to Fovea-Friendy MicroPulse Laser Therapy for the Macula
Drs. Jeanne Rosenthal and Jonathan Feistmann
Integration of MicroPulse Laser Therapy in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy
Sam E. Mansour
Management of Diabetic Macular Edema with MicroPulse® Laser Therapy
Lawrence S. Morse MD, PhD
Director of Retinal Services
Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Science
Univ. of California, Davis |
A Real-World Treat & Extend Strategy for DME Patients. MicroPulse Laser Therapy: A Cost Effective and Durable Solution
Jans Fromow-Guerra, MD, MSc, PhD
Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico
American British Hospital, Mexico
Association for the Prevention of Blindness, Mexico
Ahad Mahootchi, MD (Presentation begins at 19:20)
Medical Director
The Eye Clinic of Florida
Zephyrhills, FL USA
Q&A Session begins at 33:10
Resultados de Terapia con Láser MicroPulse, Nuevas Estrategias en el Manejo de Casos Clínicos en Retina (Results with MicroPulse Laser Therapy, New Strategies Managing Retinal Clinical Cases)
Munir Escaf, MD
Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia |
MicroPulse Laser Therapy for Retinal Disorders & Glaucoma: Treat More Patients and More Diseases with Fewer Injections
Ahad Mahootchi, MD
Medical Director
The Eye Clinic of Florida
Zephyrhills, FL USA
www.seebetterflorida.com |
MicroPulse for DME: Treat What Other Lasers Can’t
Adam Gerstenblith, MD
Hagerstown, MD |
Why and How I’ve Incorporated MicroPulse into My Comprehensive Practice
David Gossage, DO |
Rethinking our Regimen for Retinal Disease Management
Ahad Mahootchi, MD
Experiencia Inicial y Perspectivas en la aplicación de MicroPulse con el TxCell para el tratamiento del Edema Macular Diabético [Initial Experience and Perspectives on TxCell-Guided MicroPulse for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema] presented in Spanish
Sergio Rojas, MD
DME: Role of Laser and MicroPulse Strategies in the Anti-VEGF Era
Adam Rogers, MD |
MicroPulse for Glaucoma & Retina. What’s the Hype?
Iqbal (Ike) Ahmed, MD, FRCSCDavid Gossage, DO, FAOCO, FAAOElias Reichel, MD |
577 nm MicroPulse: An Effective and Safe Combination for Optimizing Retinal Laser Therapy
Rohit Adyanthaya, MDVictor Gonzalez, MDMcAllen, TX
MicroPulse Laser In The Forefront of Macular Disease Treatment
Alessandro Daré, MD, PhDRenato Peroni, MDSão Paulo, Brazil
Fotoestimulacion con Laser de 577 nm Micropulsado en Edema Macular Diabetico (Video in Spanish)
Martin Flores-Aguilar, MDCelaya, Mexico
Principles of Subthreshold MicroPulse Laser Therapy for Retinal Disorders
Marco Zarbin, MD, PhD, FACSMartin Flores-Aguilar, MDTimothy Murray, MD, MBA, FACSStela Vujosevic, MD
The Retina Safety Profile of Subthreshold MicroPulse Laser for Center Involving DME: 810 nm vs 577 nm Wavelength
Edoardo Midena, MD, PhD (C), FACS
The Versatility of MicroPulse Therapy: Current Clinical Applications and Research
Sam Mansour, MD, FRCS (C), FACS
MicroPulse Laser: Anterior to Posterior Segment
David Gossage, DO, FAOCO, FAAOHillsdale, MI
532 nm MicroPulse Laser Therapy: Clinical and Business Considerations for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
David Dickman, MD
How to Determine MicroPulse™ Laser Parameters for Sub-Visible-Threshold Treatments
Giorgio Dorin
577 nm MicroPulsed Central Laser Stimulation for Diabetic Macular Edema
José Augusto Cardillo, MDSão Paulo, SP, Brazil
577 nm MicroPulse Phototherapy for Dry Risk Age Related Macular Degeneration
Joshua Morrison-Reyes, MDWashington, DC
| | Ocular photostimulation with the 577 nm micropulse yellow laser in the management of clinically significant diabetic macular edema (CSDME) – 2 Year of Follow-up Ezio Cappello, MD Download Now |  | | MicroPulse Laser Therapy in the Management of Diabetic Macular EdemaALLEN C. HO, MD; ROBERT L. AVERY, MD; LAWRENCE S. MORSE, MD, PhD; and ELIAS REICHEL, MD Download Now |  | | Is There a Role for Laser in DME?Charles Mayron, MD, FACS Download Now |  | | MicroPulse® Restores Vision in DME Patient After Multiple Ineffective Anti-VEGF InjectionsArqam Alqasem, MBBS, Download Now |  | | MicroPulse® Renews the Role of Laser Treatment in DME and Other ConditionsCharles Mayron, MD, FACS Download Now |  | | Diabetic Macular Edema: The Role of MicroPulse Laser Therapy in the Anti-VEGF EraElias Reichel, MD, and Adam H. Rogers, MD Download Now |  | | Micropulse LaserTherapy: Not The Emperor’s New ClothesCaesar K.Luo, MD Download Now | | | MicroPulse® Results Exceed Expectations in a Treatment-Naive Patient with Center- Involving Diabetic Macular Edema Munir Escaf, MD Download Now |  | | Tratamiento laser con MicroPulse® como una opcion para EMD Sergio Rojas, MD Download Now | | | Long-term Durability of MicroPulse® Laser Therapy for Diabetic Macular Edema in a Noncompliant, Monocular Patient Kapil M. Sampat, DO Download Now | | | Making the Jump to MicroPulse Laser Therapy for Treating the Macula An effective first-line treatment therapy or adjunct to current treatments, MicroPulse safely treats areas of the retina including the fovea. Jonathan Feistmann, MD Jeanne Rosenthal, MD, MPOD, FACS Download Now | | | Rethinking the Regimen for Retinal Disease Management Dr. Mahootchi discusses how MicroPulse may extend anti-VEGF treatment intervals in several retinal diseases. Ahad Mahootchi, MD Download Now | | | TxCell-Guided MicroPulse Laser Therapy Increases Treatment Efficiency for Diabetic Macular Edema Dr. Tang discusses how one MicroPulse session completely resolved DME in a 79-year-old patient with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and a history of noproliferative diabetic retinopathy. Johnny Tang, MD Download Now | | | MicroPulse Laser Therapy as an Effective, First-Line Treatment for Juxtafoveal Telangiectasia Dr. Mansour describes the effectiveness of MicroPulse Laser Therapy in eliminating JXT-associated macular edema, especially in comparison to conventional laser photocoagulation. Sam Mansour, MSc, MD, FRCS, FACS Download Now | | | Optimizing Laser Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema Dr. Adyanthaya reviews how MircoPulse works, the benefits of 577 nm, and shares a case report on using MicroPulse to treat a 54-year-old male with type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Rohit S. Adyanthaya, MD Download Now | | | Treating DME with Fovea-Friendly Micropulse Laser Therapy Case study using IQ 577 to treat a 52-year-old male with a 25-year history of diabetes mellitus who presented with disuse macular edema involving the fovea. Patrick Caskey, MD Download Now | | | Successful Treatment of DME with 577 nm MicroPulse™ Laser Therapy in an Otherwise Non-compliant Patient Case Study using IQ 577 with MircoPulse technology to treat 64 year old male with center-involving DME. Jonathan D. Walker, MD Download Now | | | MicroPulse Laser Therapy For the Treatment of DME A less destructive laser may offer greater benefits for treating edema. David D. Gossage, DO, FAAO, FAOCO Download Now | | | Fovea-Friendly™* MicroPulse™ Laser Three case studies outlining parameters and technique to effectively treat DME patients. Neelakshi Bhagat, MD, MPH; Marco Zarbin, MD PhD, FACS; Sam E Mansour, MSc, MD, FRC(C), FACS; Victor Chong, MD FRCS, FRCOphth; José A. Cardillo, MD Download Now | | | DME - First Line Therapy - IQ 532™ Case study using IQ 532 with MicroPulse™ technology to effectively treat a 70-year-old patient with longstanding DM. Aaron Appiah, MD Download Now | | | An Emerging Option to Treat DME Two case studies using MicroPulse technology: 63-year-old white male with very aggressive refractiveDME & 80-year-old woman with DME in both eyes. Aaron Appiah, MD Download Now | | | DME Refractive to 6 Injections of Bevacizumab - IQ 577™ Difficult case of diffuse diabetic macular edema who received 6 monthly injections of bevacizumab with no results.This case report highlights a “sandwich technique” that combines barely visible low energy/short pulse durations, and subvisible MicroPulse laser therapy. José A. Cardillo, MD Download Now | | | DME Refractive to 7 Injections of Bevacizumab - IQ 577™ Female patient with difficult case of diffuse DME who received 7 monthly injections of bevacizumab with no results.This case report highlights a “sandwich technique” that combines barely visible low energy/short pulse durations, and subvisible MicroPulse laser therapy. José A. Cardillo, MD Download Now | | | Diabetic Macular Edema - IQ 577™ Treatment Parameters - 577nm wavelength, 100um spot size on SLA, Macular Area Certralis contact lens, 200ms duration, 5% duty cycle Victor Chong, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth Download Now | | | Diabetic Macular Edema - IQ 532™ Case Report - 28-year-old male with type 1 diabetes, previously treated with argon focal/grid laser in February 2006 and July 2008. David D. Gossage, DO, FAOCO, FAAO Download Now | | | 532 nm Subthreshold MicroPulse Effectively Reduces Diabetic Macular Edema after Failed Conventional Laser Treatment This case involves a 75-year-old pseudophakic woman with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Her left eye was treated in 2004 and 2008 with traditional focal laser treatment, which partially resolved her diabetic macular edema (DME). David D. Gossage, DO, FAOCO, FAAO Download Now | | | Diabetic Macular Edema - IQ 810™ Treatment Parameters - 810nm wavelength, 125um spot size on SLA, Mainster Macular Certralis contact lens, 300ms duration, 5% duty cycle Jeffrey Luttrull, MD Download Now | | | Diabetic Macular Edema - IQ 577™ Case study using IQ 577 with MicroPulse™ technology to effectively treat a 69-year-old, female with Type-2 diabetes.. Sam Mansour, MSc, MD, FRCS(C), FACS Download Now | | | MicroPulse™ Laser Therapy of DME Successful in Anti-VEGF Non-responder Case study using IQ 577 with MicroPulse™ technology to effectively treat a DME patient without laser burns and collateral effect. Sam E. Mansour, MSc, MD, FRCS(C), FACS Download Now |
“The IQ 577 produces less collateral damage than a traditional green-wavelength
laser during the treatment of macular edema. It’s more efficient and increases
patient comfort for panretinal photocoagulation.”
Dr. Jonathan Walker, Fort Wayne, IN
“The IQ 577 has simplified and improved the efficiency of laser clinics
Dr. Christopher Riemann, Cincinnati, OH
“The IQ 577 yellow laser is one such promising advancement
for the treatment of macular edema secondary to BRVO.”
Drs. Sviatoslav Suk & Stanislav Saksonov, Kiev, Ukraine
*Bhagat N, Zarbin M, Mansour S, Chong V, and Cardillo JA. Fovea-friendly MicroPulse Laser. Supplement to Retina Today, May/June 2012